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Forging a Strengths-Based Career Path with Rebecca, Our Virtual Assistant

Meet Rebecca who is currently forging a new career path as a self-employed Virtual Assistant with the help and support of Freedom Makers, an agency that creates flexible employment opportunities for military spouses across the globe by connecting them with small business owners and entrepreneurs who need qualified assistants that can provide customized support to help them grow, thrive, and take their business to the next level.

Originally from the United States, Rebecca now lives in the United Kingdom with her husband who serves on active duty in the British Armed Forces. It’s a good thing Rebecca enjoys travel, adventure, and meeting new people because she has moved three times in the last three years, living in Wales, England and Scotland. Prior to her UK move, Rebecca spent six years studying what she loves (art and fashion!) and worked in museums where she used her knowledge of dress history to specialize in the care and keeping of some of the world’s largest and most well-known fashion and textile collections. Along the way, Rebecca developed a passion and skill for writing, communicating and storytelling and won an award for her research on American fashion designer, Elizabeth Hawes. 

When Rebecca began life as a military spouse in the UK, she knew she wanted a job that would give her the freedom to prioritize her family while continuing to develop her professional skills. Rebecca joined Freedom Makers as a Virtual Assistant in January 2021 after a friend recommended her and has never looked back. The agency has given her the opportunity to expand her skill set and advance her career in a way she never thought possible and she’s picked up some amazing clients along the way. Rebecca loves working from home where she now helps entrepreneurs tell their stories, specializing in copywriting, editing, and content creation for businesses owned by military veterans, military spouses and those who support the military community.

One of Rebecca’s clients (Scott Mackes, Founder of StrengthsMugs!) introduced her to the CliftonStrengths assessment. The results helped her banish self-doubt and empowered her to realize she’s forging a life and career that suits her strengths and abilities. Rebecca’s Top 5 Strengths are Strategic, Empathy, Discipline, Developer and Achiever and she is amazed how the simple act of recognizing and acknowledging these strengths has improved her confidence and helped her engage more effectively with her work and her clients. She loves her Strengths Mug because it reminds her that her awesome clients believe in her and that she can trust her strengths to see her through the triumphs and challenges of her military lifestyle while using them ‘on the job’ to connect with others and share their stories with the world.

Thanks for sharing your story with us, Rebecca!

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